is to be at content with one’s being, with the resources one have …

Soak each and every moment, day, week, month, year, … 

You should remember the details each passing moment of your life!

Is a journey

Make your life easy by accepting being disliked…

Don't fear Change

That’s the only thing constant 

about life!


Get motivated to work! make a plan for your life and life goals. 

Motivation for building a philosophy for yourself to follow, to improve as a person!

I love the way you write, though I am more actively a follower of your YouTube Vlogs.
I know you from a long while now! The best part about you is how you are consistently working for your dreams. Amazing content!
Lots of Love. I love you as a person apart from being a fan of your website, especially your photography.
I have recently done a course in Content Writing. Can I join you?
Vani Aggarwal
I relate to what you write in many posts, though I have some different opinions about some topics you have written about...
Ishdeep Sharma
Nice blogs... ♡
Priya Mamta
Fashion Designer

Remove ‘I’ and then remove ‘want’, what is left is happiness !

Remove ‘I’ and then remove ‘want’, what is left is Satisfaction !

The answer to this depends upon what love means to you…

If you know self love, only then are you capable of falling for someone else. Because in the beloved you shall see yourself, and till you love yourself, your love with the beloved would always have ‘but-s’.

Once you know yourself, love yourself, then you yourself are complete. Then and only then, love completes you!

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